August 3-6, 2001

It is a 5-hour flight from Toronto to Los Angeles but that didn't stop me from going. I decided after years and years of dreaming about it, I should just DO IT. On Friday night I got to see her handprints. I don't know if you can tell from the photo but I was a little teary-eyed. It really hit me to actually place my hands in hers...and the best part is my hands FIT PERFECTLY!!

Marilyn's star is located right outside of McDonalds on Hollywood Blvd. Someone had left some flowers for Marilyn there and we were going to take them to the cemetary but when we returned from shopping they were gone.

This year, the Hollywood Entertainment museum had a Marilyn exhibit celebrating her 75th birthday. There were lots of interesting Marilyn items like this gown which she wore in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Marilyn was so tiny! I couldn't believe how small her dresses were. Below you will see some custom MM dolls that were on exhibit. I wanted to take them all home since I am a big doll fan. Also, her robe and a wall hanging that was in her house when she died.

Also in the Hollywood Entertainment Museum was something non-Marilyn that was really exciting for me...a place where everyone knows your name.