Although far from Scotland, our state of Texas is still a wonderful place for Cairns!  

That is true today and it was also true November 19, 1967 when five Cairn Terrier fanciers volunteered to be members of a steering committee to form what eventually became the Trinity Valley Cairn Terrier Club. These pioneers were Mildred Bryant, Bertha Rae Lain, Ann McDonald, Charles Foster and Jimmy Corbitt.

The club's original name was The Cairn Terrier Club of Texas, and in September, 1968 a slate of Officers and a Board of Directors was formed. They were:


President - Mildred Bryant

Vice President - Bertha Rae Lain

Treasurer - Edwin Lain

Secretary - Ann McDonald

Board of Directors

Charles Foster

Jimmy Corbitt

Dorothy Higgins

Ken Warden

George McSparran


In 1969 members changed the name to The Tartan Cairn Terrier Club of Texas. This name was used for three years until members settled in 1972 on the present name of Trinity Valley Cairn Terrier Club.

The club held its first annual specialty show on November 24, 1974 at Forum 303 Mall in Arlington Texas. The Sweepstakes entry of 19 was judged by Martha Baechie. Specialty entries totaled 69 and were judged by Mary Jane Ellis. Brightridge Bright Angel owned by Mrs. George McDonald was Best of Breed.